Guided tours are possible at any time after prior registration. The offer includes all
departments of the museum in the Hammerherrenschloss as well as the branch offices Hammerwerk,
Glasschleife, Mühle and Strommuseum.


It is possible to set priorities in the respective departments/branch offices of the museum in order to deepen individual topics.


The tours can be individually designed for the respective age groups.


Guide fee: €30.00



Öffentliche Führungen finden an folgenden Terminen statt:
12.07.2024, 09.08.2024, 13.09.2024, 11.10.2024, 08.11.2024


Beginn jeweils um 15:30 Uhr – Ende ca. 17:00 Uhr


Treffpunkt: Haupteingang Schloss


Preis: 6,00 Euro pro Person incl. Eintritt


Es sind wechselnde Themen geplant: Näheres zu den Terminen finden Sie unter „Events
